Started with searching for basic issues in big projects to make my prs ,
Now getting fun in contributing , doing Quality Prs and contributions to projects as much as I can do .
Now I come to know why some people get addiction to it.
Working on completing hacktoberfest by finding random repos and doing contributions to it.
It's wrapup time for today. A break day, sleeping and resting.
Tonight, helping out my friend by teaching and helping them understand Linear and Logistic regression as intro to Machine Learning.
Feeling Happy.
Hackathon diaries.
Trying hands on GAN's.
Participating in an hackathon, main problem statement having to use image segmentation and recreation to restore and make a copy of original images.
Any idea?
It's been a long day.
Finally submitted the last assignment of the day within deadline.
Will sleep straight for next 10 hrs.
Tonight with assignments of dbms and Software Engineering.
Whenever I get bored, I just take my old notes out and revise them, many memories along with the the notes also came, refreshing mind and enjoying those moments also.
Today's revision on SQL commands.