

0-day streak
late scrapbook- #C0844MV2JM9| hackclub logo referencing my old cookie vector lol
wom emoji
I've almost never talked about it to anyone: Before Anson Chung become Anson Chung, he was known by many different names by many different people. Most notably, he was known as a UX/Interaction Designer at GolfRush, an unreleased Roblox game. He spends 3 years mastering the art of UI animations from the ground up. He spend most of his days crafting UIs, and from time to time, he thinks to himself: is it worth the time? Ultimately GolfRush stopped it's development, and his three years of work will never be seen by the people. But that is the reason hes here today.
Made a website for my school project, BataSync
File submission portal made with Filepond & Cloudflare R2
summer-of-making emoji
Made my first shader!!!