#10-days-in-public, Day 10!, On the last day, I finally was able to setup all the Arduino circuitry and code. I proceeded with attaching the RGB Strip onto the 3D printed mount, but then I realized that there was no weight to counterbalance the bar, so I added some ball bearings onto the back. Really happy with how this project turned out!
#10-days-in-public, Day 9!!, Today the 3D printed mount and case finished for my light bar, and I soldered on the RGB light strip onto the wires connecting to the Arduino!
#10-days-in-public, Day 8, today I just researched a mosfetti and how it works while waiting for it to arrive. I already have all the 3D printed parts and general code done!
edit: now I need to get my soldering skills up to date, I’ll do that tomorrow!
#10-days-in-public, Day 7, almost forgot! Today I worked on some very basic coding for my RGB Strip using Arduino, I learned a lot about controlling the different inputs using a PWM controller! Also, my mount is now on the 3D printer, decided to print using clear PETG.
#10-days-in-public, Day 6!, Today I watched another episode of Fusion 360 tutorials and completed the 3D design for my monitor light bar! Currently, I am working on the Arduino code now to make the light switch colors based on a touch input on a sensor!
#10-days-in-public, Day 5, Today I watched another episode of Fusion 360 tutorials and started getting the rough 2D sketch of my light bar design. I spent some time creating a simple circuit to run my RGB lights, which turned out great. Now I need to figure out how to cram all this into a small form factor.
#10-days-in-public, Day 4, starting a bit early this morning, I watched episode 4 of the Fusion 360 guide and ordered some parts for my light bar! I plan to use an Arduino Uno and an Adafruit RGB strip for the project. Tomorrow, I'll begin to get the RGB strip ready and start designing the enclosure for the bar!
#10-days-in-public, Day 3, today I watched the third episode of Fusion 360 video series and I began researching what would be the optimal filament to use for my print. I was going to use PLA since its cheap, but I decided to go with PETG since its a bit more temperature-resistant and stronger.
Something cool I learned is that you can directly import parts from McMasterCarr to make your design more realistic in a certain use case.
#10-days-in-public, Day 2, today I learned more about how to make detailed sketches in Fusion 360 and something called construction lines, which help improve the overall geometry of the 3D model. I also began to setup my 3D printer with some new PETG filament! Tomorrow, I plan to watch episode 3 and run a test print.
#10-days-in-public, Day 1, today I installed and learned the basics of Fusion 360, learning about the different features, how to create 3D shapes from 2D sketches and different ways of modifying them such as making fillets, extruding, and offsetting shapes! Tomorrow, I plan to watch the next episode and prep my 3D printer.
Day 7 Update
Today I finished my mechanical keyboard, and I designed a higher knob for the keyboard in Fusion 360 and 3D printed it on my Prusa using transparent PETG!