Working on a robot, made with ESP32 and NodeMCU boards. The controller uses esp-now protocol to communicate with the robot. I designed a test body to put everything on it and test how much current the motors draw and how fast the robot can
I've created a door access control system, and it's finally at the MVP stage. Currently, it can be accessed through Discord or a REST API, and I'll soon add other methods like RFID and PIN
Still working on the Access Control System. Completed the core software. Working on adding the entrance methods (Keypad, RFID, Discord, HTTP Request [for shortcut actions]) and improving security.
Reached another milestone and still working on the Access Control System. Completed the electronics and half of the software.
Arcade Ticket & Remaining Session Time Counter
Still working on it! Completed the config website, device's wiring & screen pages. Working on the casing & API connection.