

0-day streak
Today/yesterday I put together the parts for a nvg mount for a modified version of the pvs-69 night vision goggles I'm making. I took the springs from my old nerf gun
Continued work on the 4 port usb, routed all the connections up. I've decided to put a large hole at the top left for a keychain and multiple smaller holes for a mounting a 3d printed case I'll be designing later. I'm debating on if I should expose some of the pcb so I can put Silk screen art on it or lasercut a piece of plexiglass for the case. I also want to get everything on a breadboard so I can test if it actually works. I found out you can get breakout components for smd components and usb ports so I'm definitely going to buy some.
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Today I researched info about USB-C for PCB design so with the end goal of a USB-C 4 Port Hub and started working on a 4 port version of the USB hub I was working on.
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Today I did: the PCB Hacker Card jam and USB Hub jam