@carrot0The class schedule is still nonexistent, didn't make it into advanced maths because I'm dumb, had some friends over and a wonderful time (still kinda sober yay), and implemented microcode syntax highlighting. Things could be better but things could be worse I suppose
@thestarmansart0Mushroom trail in front of a chicken coop. Taking a break from drawing for a bit.
@austin0I made two cajun chimkens completely from scratch!!
🍗 this was my first time dealing w like raw chicken, but it ended up tasting rlly delicious and I’m honestly lookin forward too trying more “legit” cooking (though the baking is always fun too)
@zrl0Back in Vermont with @msw. Moved into our new home for the next week. Had 2 convos on video call tonight with teammates: (1) how do we make sure ops for Bank will be in a good spot this week and (2) what could something look like that would get more actually good student nonprofits running?