Day 4 of #hardware-party. I took a detour with playing around with LEDs and resistors. Quite blinding.
Thanks @kaidevrim for donating your resistors 🦅 Day 1/10 of #hardware-party ☃️ Connected all the parts and working to calibrate the MQ3 sensor for accurate alcohol detection
codeday ba >> now i know that the objective of tetris isn’t to reach the top fastest
Day 4 of KWK: I question life Day 3 of KWK: switched to swiftui instead of storyboard bc taking 10 minutes of outlets/actions for a single button kills me
Final flight of 1:50 air time. It was a good run THE PLANE IS FLYING. I REPEAT THE PLANE IS FLYING not the intended path but THE PLANE IS MOVING. I REPEAT THE PLANE IS MOVING
PLAYED AROUND W PI CONTROL IN PID AND GOT THE DRONE TO FLY ACCURATELY WITH OSCILLATION Autonomous drone’s intended path (blue) vs. path with wind disturbance (red) Nerd Neck: my GWC “activism” project
PYTHON CONTROLS A PLANE MY MIND IS BLOWN, AND IM ADDING IN MORE CODE NOW HEHE1st day of camp: iGibson simulator I think my brain exploded
I finished AI4ALL’s camp prep for tomorrow! “Final” project was on the correlation among Olympians’ sport, gender, and gold medals. I also learned how to web scrape
RIOT GAMES/GWC SWAG CAME! Was about to order a new headset cuz Amazon Prime Day but glad it came before. And say hi to Orion the mystery creature
I’ve been accepted to Stanford AI4ALL summer camp! Math work paid off