This is the home page of Promptl, a writing prompt generating app that I’m making for dyslexic kids. It was a project inspired by my younger sister.
I turned my writing prompt from yesterday into a GUI using Tkinter in python. The generated names/objects/villains overlap, and I’m thinking of moving into Flask/web dev to make sure that the generated parts are just replaced.
Started coding a writing prompt generator in python today. You just enter a number of prompts you want and it will return some (very generic and simple) writing prompts for you to write about.
I’ve been a little MIA recently, but I’ve just finished this 5 question personality quiz with python and flask! You can give it a go here!
I’ve been a little absent lately, but I’ve been working on some markdown stuff for my school and personal life.
Successful day in soccer with 400 calories burned. Celebrating with music and munchkins on the bus ride back from Randall’s Island.
Over 10,000 steps today, including 9000+ during soccer
Second day of soccer completed and searching for some new books to read ⚽️📚
I just created a letter-for-letter translator in python and tkinter for Fal (a language (more so alphabet) I made)
I installed Typora and installed this theme on it
Writing chapter 4 today and listening to Ocean Blue and Outta My Mind by Gunnar Gehl today.
Doing some revisions today and listening to Ocean Blue by Gunnar Gehl on loop.
Designed a cover for my current NIP, Rebel Princess. React with a ❤️ if you would read based on the cover, or a 😒 if you wouldn’t want to read it based on the cover. (Just trying to grasp if my novel hooks ppl in.)
Outlining today, hoping to see my pre-written novel in a new light…
Started a new friendship bracelet as I take a slight break from coding. Heading back to it in a couple minutes.
I cleaned up my desk today. I’m able to think so much clearer now as I work on some python projects.
I used my periodic table scraper a whole lot this week and I designed another playlist cover for my writing playlist.
Writing the lyrics for Impossible (an original song) today!
The astrology scraper I created yesterday still works
(see pictures for a couple readings - dm me if u want urs)
I created a daily horoscope scraper in python this morning. It will give you the sign, the date, and today’s reading. It’s currently just pisces, but if you change the last word in the URL, the reading will change for your horoscope.
Experimenting with Kivy in python a bit today
Back in the city after spending a week in the country 🌆
Getting back into friendship bracelets and editing some lyrics today
I started writing today (it’s my way of avoiding to come up with something I want to code)
My first mystery novel in progress
Focusing on some python repls today. Transferring some to GitHub.
Doing some basic planning for a novel I want to write
I was looking through some old projects and I found a python program that finds the discriminant and tells you whether or not the roots are real or imaginary.
A translator that translates English to a language I made (called Incade)
A Harry Potter spell searcher with a database in Excel
Simple visual calculator in Python and TkinterSimple Ptable (an online periodic table) searcher in python with BS4