finished up schematic! Still need to do a double check. Main things worked on:
• Calculating gain for amplifier
• Adding voltage regulator
• Adding resistances for LEDs
Making Candy Cane PCBs for #onboard! Already on my Christmas/holiday spotify grind.
Boards have been ordered!
Almost there!!! Dean's sig now lights up!
haha, i forgot how simple a PCB biz card is! The schematic is just 5 parts!
This took a lot longer than I thought it would take: designed a custom antenna for the #frc x #onboard trinket. It's specifically tuned for biz card.
Some additional resources for y'all curious in designing your own:
• NFC Antenna Design Webinar
• Key equation: Ideal Inductance = 1/( (2pi freq)^2 chip_capacitance))
• Impedance Calculator
• Antenna footprint generator
Finished LED driver circuit!Did some soldering today for an LED driver. Also put up a design to be CNC cut.
Quickly whipped up some rough extrudes for wooden frame. Downloaded and built a few libraries.
Ahhhh! Robotics had me crazy today so I couldn’t sit down and CAD a case.
Regardless, I made this cool pivoting gearbox that has a 400:1 gear ratio.
And it was a clear sky day too!
A little late for the 1st day, but everything are in one piece. Going to CAD the case tomorrow and wire up the LED panel.