@ella0Wahoo! Starting today, transferring money between Hack Club Bank organizations is instant ⚡ This means that the transferred funds will reflect in your account balance immediately, even before the underlying transaction arrives (which usually takes a couple days).
Other incoming payments like donations and invoices aren’t quite instant yet, but if your event is coming soon and you have incoming funds still in transit, you can now ✨ request fronted funds ✨ from the details page of the donation/invoice—we’ll lend you the funds via an instant transfer.
Read more about this update in the changelog.
@sampoder0today i presented.. the *CLIMATATOR*! it’s a 4D interactive media experience / climate change simulator that showcases the effects of climate change to a younger audience. you enter the cabinet, put an AR headset on, watch a fictional weather report from 2050, then you begin to feel the heat of a heatwave 🔥 (there’s a strong heater inside), then you going on a bumpy ride (haptic motors) in a fire truck fighting wildfires
(it’s still boiling from the heater and it intentionally smells of burning) and to end of your experience a cyclone with winds (a big fan) and shaking (haptic motors) 🌀 + it’s got sound effects and a nice video (this is my myp personal project, goal was to create an engaging way of learning about climate change)
the wooden structure was put together with a lot of drilling and with the use of recycled materials to the extent possible. i learnt a lot about woodworking as this was my first ever real woodworking project.
*this is biggest project ever, it’s taken me since August to build this all out…..* and i’m really proud of the final product. uses a mix of Raspberry Pi Python, Arduino, Next.js & Node.js to all work. the AR headset is powered by Holocron (www.npmjs.com/package/@sampoder/holocron)
more is at: climatator.co/de