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Posts tagged with :js:

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js emoji
currently making a silly lil petsim game in html and js! i've only got basic walking behaviors pinned down right now (old name was webagotchi, recently changed to Taskiitty cuz old name was unoriginal)
worked on more js and css for note guessing game
I learned that getting audio to sync properly seamlessly is very hard 😭 and slowness because js only makes it harder
js emoji
:shipitparrot: :ascend:ASCEND SHIP INCOMING :shipitparrot: :ascend: > last weekend, @michelle and i had the most unforgettable experience at ascend :ascend-planet: in LA where we were surrounded by 50+ girls & non-binary in tech, helping organize one of the most incredible hackathons i've been to this year. of course, we still wanted to take the opportunity to build & ship a technical project so we spent majority of the day working on this AR simulation of a SpaceX Falcon 9 landing wherever you held up the SpaceX :spacex: logo with three.js, ar.js, & a-frame :aframe:. we were content with mediocrity until, in a last-minute turn of events (and a motivating conversation with @zrl ), we realized we wanted to make something more meaningful :sleepy-dino:. something that addressed a real issue & we could own 100% of the code :meow_code: with. and what’s the #1 problem facing youth in america 🦅 today? that’s right. there are no resources for underage gambling. :money-printer: 🇺🇸 so, from the hours of 1–5 am, @michelle and i went all in. armed with vanilla web dev, 2+ crash-outs, and sleep deprivation, we built a GAMBLING WEBSITE FOR MINORS. our project bridges the accessibility gap by offering an educational experience to prepare the next generation for the risks of losing it all. 🎲 :playground_slide: full story behind our project design process (money spread images included :money-tub:): docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FYv7BGPnzlNT-phubaZu6-6Dp_XOWD6CMlluC_JML4I/edit?usp=sharing 🎰 GAMBLE YOUR $$ MONEY AWAY NOW: underage-gambling.vercel.app :githubparrot: github: github.com/sahitid/underage-gambling 💌 thank you to @zrl for the wake-up call to redo our entire project at 1 am, and the entire #C07T6DEFD7U| organizing team ( @savina , @zoyashussain , @phaedra , @jeslyn , @elia , @andreayang ) for providing headshots that we used on the website. and most of all @ZenabH. (the coolest canadian i know) for the yap & moral support.
scrapbook for day 2: did some work on a new personal site that im doing in Flask, and vanilla html, css and js.
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Day 2 - got cat (oneko.js)
Making my personal portfolio website with the use of html, css, javascript. As the sample given below [DAY 2]
js emoji
hello everyone! today i worked on making a little game while also learning javascript! worked on making it responsive also!
im working on my own basic browser engine in rust so far i'm working on the HTML/CSS rendering component of the project, and it's really close to completion, hopefully soon I'll be able to start working on the javascript engine part of the project obviously it's not a full featured engine that supports the entire HTML/CSS/JS spec (and only supports CSS 2.1) but the project is fun and I enjoy low-level programming github.com/shahmeerwsatti/bluejay-browser-engine/commit/97bf74d05fec992e92a1390c91a9d7a2e4b7b9ff
rustlang emoji
js emoji
github emoji
note guessing game. worked on a base html, css and js
today i worked making a 2048 game and figuring out how to put it onto a website, with html, css, and javascript github.com/Festivius/2048
Hey guys. Today I am hoping to ship my Password Generator project. I think the title gives away what this website does, but for more details, it's a website where you can generate a random, very safe password. It needs some polish and a couple cool features, so that's what I am working on right now. It's just a tip of the iceberg for me. I am learning JavaScript at the moment, and this is a project which will and already did teach me a lot. I will ship a couple or dozen more projects of similar scale, but my final project is going to be big... something I have never done before.
Working on a tic-tac-toe game in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Currently figuring out how to handle user input.
Making my personal portfolio website with the use of html, css, javascript. As the sample given below
js emoji
A scientific calculator im building using javascript
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The site's in its early stages now, but this is the framework of JS that'll enable me to make a cli command generator for ffmpeg!
js emoji
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github emoji
I shipped my first game flappy coin :) yes a clone from flappy bird In plain html , css and js only ! Want to play it ? kokojkj.github.io/flappy-coin Just want to mess with the code ? Here is the repo link github.com/kokojkj/flappy-coin Suggest next game you want from me to create in web and i will ship it ! (Except doom )
tried to set up chart.js for another project.....seems fine i guess
With High Seas kicking off, I thought starting a scrapbook would be cool! I've been brainstorming project ideas, and one that’s stuck with me is building something like ChatGPT—but for schools. The idea is to make a tool packed with features for teachers and students, helping schools adapt to AI and teach it in a way that keeps everyone up to speed. I haven't settled on a name yet, but I'm currently considering something like "Brainwave". I am planning to build Brainwave using React/Next.js, OpenAI API, Shadcn/ui, and Supabase! :supabase: :vercel: :openai: :react: Spent a few hours today recreating the ChatGPT UI as a starting point. The concept should become clearer as it develops, but I’m excited to see where it goes from here!
cooll-dino emoji
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openai emoji
react emoji
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nextjs emoji
very busy today with school and some robotics work but on the brightside no assignments tmrw :) tmrw i plan to continue my emulator :D (image of one of the robotics assignments i did today, its rlly weird but interesting working on non-robot js on DDE)
hackclub emoji
github emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
js emoji
github emoji
js emoji
appleinc emoji
Day 3/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! Today I finished most of the URL shortener's small things :). URLs are now scanned for malware before they are shortened. I'm getting started on a QR code generator :yay:! So far I have the basic generation done (I might have to swap the library for more features :heavysob:). Slightly #C02EXAC2WR0| but oh well (I promise it will look better, also gonna be hack club themed cause that's gonna give me an excuse to try out this typescript + next.js idk thing lol) url.felixgao.dev for the URL shortener, QR code generator isn't live yet ):, coming soon ™️!
summer-of-making emoji
js emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
typescript emoji
yay emoji
nextjs emoji
hackclub emoji
github emoji
js emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Remade the whole hackclub.com/stickers site from its source code (bare html + css) and added waayyyy more functionality thats actually useful! Now the new sticker website lets you: -Add stickers to your collection by clicking on them -Remove stickers from your collection -Remember your stickers when you return to the site! Demo it here!: ampersandco.me/stickers Warning! Its kinda ass cuz I'm not that familiar with react or next js so I just remade it on plain html for now until I can learn 😭
summer-of-making emoji
nextjs emoji
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github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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python emoji
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react emoji
This is the beta version of my #C02UN35M7LG| platformer! It is one of few games that bypasses the sprig grid system, and the only reason it feels janky is because Sprig doesn't send keyup events or let you check if a key is pressed, so your code has to operate only on keydown events. Press i for a debug menu! (Note: most of the lag is out of my control, the sprig emulator has iffy performance. Hopefully I can get it working on a real sprig!) Play: sprig.hackclub.com/share/zqNUQdjMUesAvefyCHnK Code: github.com/jeremy46231/sprig/blob/2f9116/games/off-grid-platformer.js
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
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sprig-dino emoji
dino-debugging emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
react emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
js emoji
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
summer-of-making emoji
js emoji
github emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
Introducing PCBs for Blot!! You can experiment with printed electronics with a conductive ink pen and your blot with this. Here is my implementation of my PCB with Blot. (This project was done before the separate repo suggestion. Hence the file and the commits are in a common repo) I have also attached some sessions of collatz conjecture project, since it doesn't deserve a separate post, and it was the starting point for this project. github.com/Vipremigini/Myfiles/blob/main/pcb.js
summer-of-making emoji
js emoji
github emoji
pcb emoji
I finally shipped project PeerView It is a p2p video calling application, made with webrtc, react, websockets and javascript Its my 1st webrtc project. I focused more on functionality and I compromised in ui of app a bit, As it uses websockets(until 2 peers connect), app requires full duplex connection all the time from deployed servers, hence I chose render to deploy my app instead of vercel, etc GitHub: github.com/jignesh119/PeerView Live link: peerview.onrender.com Please note that render pulls down deployments if no active traffic, hence when you try the app u may hv to at least wait 4 a min to see ui PFA demo of app
react emoji
summer-of-making emoji
vercel emoji
js emoji
github emoji
tippfehlr.dev my website. made with html + css + js. php powers server-side rendering/fetching of wakapi data.
js emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Hostel. This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
BadCloneOfCrossyRoad [WIP] My attempt to copy crossy road using three.js (This is a failed project, but the project is shipped and somewhat playable) Visit the site and try out the game yourself at yeettheanson.github.io/BadCloneOfCrossyRoad/index.html Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/BadCloneOfCrossyRoad Features 1. Uses three.js to create isometric view 2. Random world generation 3. Camera centers after 2.5 seconds Attached below are some video and photo of the gameplay