

0-day streak
Made Python script that uses PyAutoGUI and OpenCV to recognize the state of a minesweeper(.online) game. State recognition works (but not as reliably as I would like it to), actually solving the game is not done yet, this was mainly for me for learning computer vision (took basically all of the time). Also minesweeper.online was under maintainance for some time while I was making this, testing was hard due to that, and I think they broke some parts of my code by some small visual changes... github.com/JakubPrit/minesweeper-cheat
Made a customizable (board size, number of aligned tiles to win, number of players) Connect Four game with bots (a random placer bot and a bot using an alpha-beta pruning minimax algorithm with caching) in python. github.com/JakubPrit/connect-four-bot