thinking emoji

Posts tagged with :thinking:

Today i received some of the the high seas things I ordered: • a lockpicking kit: had some fun with it, lockpicked my first locks today >:3 although they were very small locks, i should buy bigger ones • the github universe badge: went to the github website to flash my own badge, in the future i think i'll try to make some cool projects with that
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heyy guys I've made a bot to make '' links directly from slack; you can use it by either using create a event link shortcut or by running /createeventtimelink cmd, and drop what you think should be implemented differently or added. Also, I've some TODOs like: • Drop the link in thread if the shortcut used there.. • Nd, if you use the global shortcut, you'll get the link shown in the next modal popup instead of sending them in DMs. • and also logging them somewhere to show them in the home tab and it is named timesaber; @ttt
helloo! today i: • athena nbo, (now jua) - worked on emails + i think the budget is done now, i liked doing the math lol. also followed up w web dev. • rust - i infact did NOT stop learning rust lol. did ch.13. learning rust has been interesting, its just so many new concepts that ive never heard. (peep the ferris drawing)
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I spent a lot of time redoing one of my old Java CLI projects... but this time as a GUI, as I couldn't figure out how to properly convert my CLI bank account into a GUI app, or think of new features to add to my cookie clicker clone. This tested my patience the most out of any project I have built so far as I kept squashing and making bugs for what seemed to be hours, and having to go through trial and error many times as I teach myself how the Swing library works. There is still a lot of work to be done, and I have had to essentially rewrite everything from my old simple CLI program except a few switch statements for questions which had to be modified and moved what was not what I expected going into this. I am also in the process of methodizing the code from the single static block as it is a lot more versatile in CLI and necessary for GUI apps.
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today was a dedicated athena planning day • had a couple of meetings on the event and we started working on the website :D i think we have a name now :P • added more stuff to the budget, scheduled venue emails, called a couple of dinner places. • added some personal stuff for the planning here
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today: 1. ran show and tell, thank you to everyone who joined! i really loved everyone's projects <3 2. finished cookie cutter (so this is a long story, i tried adding eyes and stuff but it wasnt turning out the way i wanted it to so i just added the cookie cutter top and i think it will turn out cuter that way since i can do the decor!) 3. athena nbo: looking for restaurants + working on a budget + added some dinner guests to the doc + drafted emails to venues! 4. no rust sorry </3
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uh... I don't think that's worked
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I finished the images API, added the markdown API, and started working on saving and authentication for scribbles in Codeboard today. I went ice skating too and I think it was the first time I didn’t fall down at all!
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Still working on my Ubuntu rice, I think I'm gonna share it when highseas will be back on. Pretty happy with it ngl
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DEVELOPER DATING APP PROGRESS UPDATE #3 So, after a lot of thinking I have came up with how I will structure my database and user system. I will be using SQL for generical storage, along with Redis Clusters for Caching. For the caching, after much deliberation, research and planning, I have come to the conclusion that 3 Masters and 2 Slaves per master would be the best for the scalability of the app, while providing low network latency and optimal speed. There is not too much to say other then the systems where designed using the flowcharts attached, some messy, some good. I would say them with words. But here are the charts. "Flowcharts speak louder than antisocial yapping in text" - Yoda source, trust me bro
Here I am again with another entry, I worked on designing a flowchart and the system for the login. I think the chart can explain it's self, but it has a little bit on onboarding, and starts to introduce user sessions, caches and verifying GitHub Application Authentication.
today i: 1. ownership in rust (i will say this has been kinda hard) plus some kinds related stuff to do with memory in general. i think the whole concept of stacks and heaps is really neat. 2. also lots of mechanics in math, i feel like theres got to be an easier way to go about mechanics lol 3. ive still been trying to think of my next high seas project because as much as id wanna submit stuff like the slack hwf i feel like it doesnt really tick the criteria i set for myself for my high seas projects
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Added an impossible to complete unless you think outside the box maze generator to the birthday site
mipilin invite codes system is complete now i think... took two days, ~6 hours i think... now i just need to get back to the journaling system...
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[does scrappy think i'm cheating it?]
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Did some more debugging today, but I've mostly just been resting. I think I can get this done by the end of the month hopefully. Link:
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ive been doing some projects that have lowkey been on backlog. started with adding sharing and deleting to jurnl: (lmk if this jurnl link works for you!!!) also made a design for the stuff Gaurav and Malted are working on im still thinking of other stuff that are useful. i have sm ideas but i need them to be useful stuff not something like a yapdollar browser extension
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continued w slackbot, im gonna post ab that tmrw :))
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Hi Scrapbook ppl. So today was one of my more unproductive days since it was quite a mentally draining day, this past week has been like that because of some stuff outside my control but I hope its at least one of the last I feel the way I’ve been feeling. I’ve been thinking alot and I really just want to yap here about it since its related but what I’ve really loved from doing near-daily scraps is that as much as you have a couple of bad days you can always check and remember all the rest of the good and productive days youve had so you dont beat yourself up on the few "bad" drops in your super big pond of accomplishments and things youve managed to get done or learn. This takes me back to Ascend at SpaceX when Osi talked about having some kind of achievements sheet and for me scrapbook really feels like that. Ty to the scrapbook team for really just making this, much love <3 Anyways, today when I got back home, I took a walk today to clear my mind. Here's a pic, the trail was really nice and shaded from the really hot sun:
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Today I had a small mistake in advent of code and got stuck. My code is always for some reason spaghetti. Continued working on my test app and added some teams separation. Thinking of a rewrite in react/deno but also I'm quite commited at this point to django
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Comp Sci Compass (Day 1) Today I got a mock version of the backend using express.js, along with a simple SQLite database. I started working on the front end using React. I was thinking of a terminal style design for navigating the page to have the application stand out some more. Thinking of switching to a database like Firebase, even though it is a no SQL database, it is built for Node.js/JavaScript and using JSON. I am thinking about it but I feel like I will stick with an SQL based database as I am storing a lot of reviews and more, along with courses connected to colleges/high schools. Here is a preview of the front end, the backend and database are mostly made. yes the console is working, to lazy to post a gif
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Added ability to upload pictures + some other fixes, I think I will go to prod in the next few days
Worked a lot more on riceathon (I think I'm about to submit)
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Day 6 of special scrapes for thanksgiving,thats just one small addition but ya that's what I did today if you have been keeping up,I also thought of ideas and some other project thinking today.
i don't think this counts for turkey day anymore, but now i have a streak and i can't break it. game engine's secondary renderer is approaching finished
I continue working on the website. I think that I am 80% finished. I added an Astro component and a lot of JS, tailwindified everything, and changed the HTML a little bit.
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This is my scrapbook post for yesterday: I think I’ve mostly finished level 2 of my Slime Game! All that’s left is to add some coins, and then I can move on to level 3. I also need to test the level and scan through my code to make sure all the variables are resetting properly. I also changed around my initial design of the level, to make it a bit harder
Day 2 of working on the chess project today I've improved the ui and fixed some bugs and i think by tomorrow it will be ready
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Continued working on the transit tracking app from yesterday. Today I was working on getting my app to be able to use the transit agency's API. I think I got that part mostly done. However, I was not able to test it since the button highlighted below does not work for some reason.
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i finally finished my cupcake baker game! this is the first draft (i think i might incorporate more customization later on). i added in all of the backgrounds and the drawings for the sprites. i also added more sound effects and a customize your cupcake page!!
Working on dark mode support for my website I need to think about color schemes and im (kinda) struggling... Haven't finished everything so I haven't pushed it yet, but should probably be finished by tomorrow!
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Hey guys. Today I am hoping to ship my Password Generator project. I think the title gives away what this website does, but for more details, it's a website where you can generate a random, very safe password. It needs some polish and a couple cool features, so that's what I am working on right now. It's just a tip of the iceberg for me. I am learning JavaScript at the moment, and this is a project which will and already did teach me a lot. I will ship a couple or dozen more projects of similar scale, but my final project is going to be big... something I have never done before.
Today, I worked more on my Browser Buddy project. I added a pop-up pane that has a list of buttons with links to cat themed productivity tools. I think I’ve pretty much finished the extension and am ready to submit it. I also made a anime style logo (at acon’s workshop today) for one of my other current projects: my kitty themed Minecraft mod. I’m really happy with all the progress I made today, and I can’t wait to make more tomorrow!
worked on this some time ago but didn't ship. been a bit curious about brainfuck so i hacked together an interpreter in Zig. i think there's room for making the code more concise but it works. The demo video below includes an example of it running a sierpinski triangle brainfuck program i found on the internet Link to source:
I just shipped my pirate-themed Tic Tac Toe game! it has three modes: PvP: Play with your friends and see who’s the best pirate! Cabin Boy: Practice your skills and play against the cabin boy )he makes random moves, so watch out! ⚓) Captain: Think you’re ready? Test your skills against the Captain of the Seven Seas. Be careful not to lose, or you might get cursed by him! here is the game link : and here is the repo link :
update on particles: 8.3 million now, with attractors. No idea how to do multiple attractors though, been a bit of a pain so i gave up lol. My next limitation is gpu buffer size, but for now i think its enough for my usecase. Once again apoligies for compression lol.
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Made some music for my Halloween Sprig game with @Ruadhan ! It's my first time making something like this and it definitely shows, but given the considerable limitations of the sprig engine I think it turned out decent. Finished game shipping tmrw
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lol i lost my streak (fr this time) last night for some reason but ngl im not too bothered by that :) ive been thinking alot about what i wanna do with what i code bc alot of what ive been workinf on doesnt rlly have much of a purpose (im sorry rizzlergpt), its just code that does stuff. so my goal with high seas is to make projects that can be useful for other people while also learning new things. anyways enough of me yapping (on scrapbook of all places
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) today: i started off with working on a pomodoro timer (this is gonna be my first complete react project lol). i wanna have features that can make it better for programmers :) so i think im gonna work and complete this for the next 2 weeks and see how it goes :) i also started working on a list of other stuff id wanna make that have the same kinda goal. i also started learning some pixel art since for my pomodoro timer i wanna add some orpheus art there
This morning I felt bad about skimping out on low skies & having a weak GitHub graph, so I made the plan to make a project every day for the next week. This evening, I realized that this is possibly the worst week I could have picked in at least the surrounding 3 months. I still managed to make some good progress on a fun little idea, so here it is: I was inspired by Club Fair Attention Monopoly to make Fortune Phone (better name pending): A little website for club fairs, where when you text the phone number on screen, the last four digits of your phone number appear along with an ominous fortune generated by AI. So far, I've written pretty much all of the UI, but I've been staring at the screen so long I can't tell if it looks good or not. I genuinely think I spent the most time just working on the 'crystal ball'. anyway, yap over, here's day #1 of 'work on literally anything' for a week straight. anyone else is welcome to join me
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Spent many hours working on the song 💀 🐉 I think its almost done 🔥
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Finished the wiring and the outline, I might add more ports, I wonder if it possible to make it face up? Unfortunately I don't think there a cable at least in the PCB design phase
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worked on today. is it open source? sadly no. updates: • new card preview ex. • fixed a ton of onboarding issues it’s sadly still in closed beta but i don’t think many people play that game anyways
today was probably the hardest day of making fjaril, i added functions tho i messed up a bit so im trying to get them to work :) im also thinking of doing a name change and call it something diff from fjaril
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hiii ppl here! im not that great at coding or anything yet, but i think im good at Canva graphic designing :D I make lil posters for my school library!
Set Linux mint, first time using Linux really fun. Curious about how to program my pine time. I think I just need to set wasp os.
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I finished the tutorial and the result is typical I think for a Bigram Model. I think next up is a N-gram Model or transformer-based model however I probably need to figure how to transfer the pre trained model to continue to train the model since google colab randomly cuts off after inactivity
I running out of ideas to do... I might do bin again once I get the parts. I been was thinking of doing more machine learning things however idk where to run the neural networks I used paperspace, kaggle, and google colab but ill cost money to go further. Anyways learn more java today
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