i m trying to make the left one i ended up with right one so yahh !!! my lovely portfolio most of the time i spend on how to make curve text using css 🙂 then i give up make a quick blue one and i m here for submission raw.githack.com/akshatjaiin/portfolio/main/index.html\
ticket-fh4s.onrender.com check out i made a ticket booking website by taking a random meuseum as a refrencei will write readme later running late for submission
a blog on how a to make a survilance camera for woman safety
i made calculator :)🙂 i made tictaktoe github.com/akshatjaiin/TICTAKTOE-TKINTERrandom joke generator in go lang check out and give it a run github.com/akshatjaiin/joke-goa website for flower store or garden :)i made a basic guide for quantum computers and a poster on how to sign up into github
i made wordle 🙂python library program but in tkinternot sure cooking is allowed or not. but i cooked 🙂 dum aloo
😭 i m trying to move the language ai first response to frontend because last date of showcase is today I m submitting🥲 eventually try to make it work took 20 sessions in terminalprojects including: library management in c and python, a adventure game in python, qr code generator in c (which suddenly not working), blue screen of death in c, cookie system in python and many more ... even i also forget because i named all the sessions same 🙂
i made few poster today
i made few posters today
i design 5 posters first time using photoshop
I make a platformer type of game in godot to explore it for