@Blu1Worked on Nested For Loop Practice in Java for a test in school, and also worked a bit on my minecraft mod PotatoPerks! modrinth.com/mod/potato-perks
@MuhammadRohanGhalib0today i just did something amazing. i took the advantage of 16 core cpu and 64 gb ram of github codespaces and hosted a minecraft server on it through ngrok!
this is amazing, also a lot better than aternos and i can modify it according to mee also!!
@AshishAgarwal0Working on a website of a minecraft mod, ClickCrystals, which has over 150K+ downloads and 4k+ users in our discord community!
I'm the only web developer there, do you like the website?
Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion, Prisma, Postgres, Monaco-Editor, shadcn/ui and 100 more tech!
Check out: clickcrystals.xyz
@ooffyy0Today I worked on my Minecraft ChatTriggers module, BingoPlus, and pushed some bugfixes including the message formatter prefix not working correctly and messages being sliced too early.
@Blu1Today I worked on my Minecraft Mod, and the game 23 in Java!
@AdvayRoongta0scrap: today I worked for 1.5 hrs on my python chatbot w/JSON. I finished the UI and 1 algorithm. I also attended the minecraft event
@Vihaan0finished the ui and some backend of instances, gonna work on authentication and launching Minecraft tomorrow.
@owais0Today i completed my Minecraft server project which I have been working on for the past 3 days
@Vihaan0Working on a Minecraft Launcher built in Python 🔥. Finished the home page UI today, gonna start working on the other UI elements and also backend tomorrow.
@Lynxdeer0I coded a cool cannon and catapult into Minecraft, with no client mods (it's all server-side). Pretty proud of it! I also made a trebuchet, but I'm not proud of that one yet, and so I might post it later when I am.@owais0Today I worked on a Minecraft project:
Built a server performance monitor to track CPU, memory, TPS, and player count.
Set it up to collect data every minute and summarize averages and peaks
Added a function to optimize server performance with JVM flags and memory settings.
@XanderKleiber0Today I worked on dynamic chunk loading in my Minecraft clone in C++ with Raylib. Currently, it unloads and then reloads every chunk whenever a border is crossed, and it is single-threaded (besides generating multiple chunks in parallel), so I need to figure out how to multithread the world generation without instability. Part of what I'm working on is refactoring chunks to be stored in vectors rather than a map, and then add methods to access the vector with negative indices.
@KittyCat0Today, I worked more on my Browser Buddy project. I added a pop-up pane that has a list of buttons with links to cat themed productivity tools. I think I’ve pretty much finished the extension and am ready to submit it. I also made a anime style logo (at acon’s workshop today) for one of my other current projects: my kitty themed Minecraft mod. I’m really happy with all the progress I made today, and I can’t wait to make more tomorrow!
@JoshP0starting to make my own minecraft modpack! wondering how it'll be when i'm done...
@Amber0Worked on a website for Minecraft YSWS! Really happy with how this turned out :D
@AnthonyPagone0Hello everyone!
Over the summer, I created a mod for Minecraft Java that lets you toggle auto jump on and off for accessibility, and efficient stair climbing.
Check it out here: modrinth.com/mod/toggleautojump
@Amber0I learnt about Minecraft Fabric server-side modding today!
I'm making a Slack chat relay mod. This is my first time properly using Java and it's been... an experience. I successfully got Bolt setup and running on a Minecraft server in socket mode after a lot of hassle which is good progress! I also got a config file setup and working... except I used a client side mod, whoops. Need to fix that tomorrow.
minecraft modpack is out! For a while I've been trying to create my perfect version of Minecraft - and I think Super is pretty close to that. it's based on Fabulously Optimized, but adds a ton more mods for immersion + quality of life. it's also client side!
get it on
@MNT0Milestone in Botics [Minecraft Fabric 1.20.2] !
Haven't been able to do all that I wanted to since I got distracted with other projects but here is the close to final version!
Some progress pics:
@pepperjack0A crappy python program that translates Chinese strings located into JS source files to English (quick explanation: a friend found an interesting minecraft bedrock mod but it was written using Chinese... se he decompressed it and asked for a hand to translate its contents). Here the repo: github.com/pepperjackdev/javascript_translator_from_chinese
@Justus0Made a plot plugin for Minecraft, using special items and bossbars to be more beautiful, designed for larger communities with different sub-groups (schools, scout districts, etc.)
Plots are assigned on a per-chunk basis. Group plots as well as personal plots are possible in order to allow gamified exchange between different groups. Plugin is already being play-tested on an active server.
GH: github.com/just-dev-creator/homburg-server
@AndyNoob0i updated my minecraft inventory enchanting plugin to be able to set maxes for certain enchants that doesn't have effects past certain levels
@Bingley0I'm working on a mod to add trading cards and battles into Minecraft! I've created a system to manage cards/battles so far. github.com/BingleyPro/card-clash